Alabama Power
Letter from The CEO
Sustainability Mission
A Message to our Stakeholders
Our Leadership
About Us
Powering Through
Sustaining Our Workforce
Powering Safety, Health and Well-Being
Advancing DE&I
Empowering Diverse Suppliers
A Historic Renewal
Going with the Flow
Powering Our Future
Protecting the Air
Creating Energy Solutions
Providing Natural Leadership
Rooted in Alabama
A Match Sewn in Heaven
Bigger than the Bottom Line
Hands on in Our Communities
Pursuing Energy Efficiency
Moving to Equity
Alabama on the World Stage
Giving that Sustains
Game Changing Policy
Our Values
Political Engagement
Code of Ethics
Constructive Regulation
Sustainable Financing Framework
Powering On
Paving the Way
Sustainability is in our very fiber
Partners in Renewable Development
Creating the Future, Today
Alabama Power


GRI Index

Material within the Alabama Power Company 2021 Sustainability report references the consolidated set of GRI standards (2021).

SASB Index

The index below outlines how our existing disclosures align with the recommended metrics for the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Electric Utilities and Power Generators Standard. Though we do not yet address all metrics included in the standard, we continue to evaluate our future disclosures.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

Certain information contained herein is forward-looking information based on current expectations and plans that involve risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking information includes, among other things, statements concerning plant retirements, completion of ongoing construction projects, emissions goals and diverse supplier spend goals. Alabama Power cautions that there are certain factors that can cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking information that has been provided. The reader is cautioned not to put undue reliance on this forward-looking information, which is not a guarantee of future performance and is subject to a number of uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside the control of Alabama Power; accordingly, there can be no assurance that such suggested results will be realized. The following factors, in addition to those discussed in Alabama Power’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2021, and subsequent securities filings, could cause actual results to differ materially from management expectations as suggested by such forward-looking information: the impact of recent and future federal and state regulatory changes, including tax, environmental, and other laws and regulations to which Alabama Power is subject, as well as changes in application of existing laws and regulations; the potential effects of the continued COVID-19 pandemic; the extent and timing of costs and legal requirements related to coal combustion residuals; current and future litigation or regulatory investigations, proceedings, or inquiries, the effects, extent, and timing of the entry of additional competition in the markets in which Alabama Power operates, including from the development and deployment of alternative energy sources; variations in demand for electricity and natural gas; available sources and costs of natural gas and other fuels; transmission constraints; effects of inflation; the ability to control costs and avoid cost and schedule overruns during the development, construction, and operation of facilities or other projects, including Plant Barry Unit 8, due to current and/or future challenges; legal proceedings and regulatory approvals and actions related to construction projects, such as Plant Barry Unit 8, including Public Service Commission approvals; the ability to construct facilities in accordance with the requirements of permits and licenses, to satisfy any environmental performance standards and the requirements of tax credits and other incentives, and to integrate facilities into the Southern Company system upon completion of construction; advances in technology, including the pace and extent of development of low- to no-carbon energy technologies and negative carbon concepts; performance of counterparties under ongoing renewable energy partnerships and development agreements; state and federal rate regulations and the impact of pending and future rate cases and negotiations, including rate actions relating to return on equity, equity ratios, additional generating capacity, and fuel and other cost recovery mechanisms; the ability to successfully operate generating, transmission, and distribution facilities and the successful performance of necessary corporate functions; the inherent risks involved in operating nuclear generating facilities; the performance of projects undertaken by the non-utility businesses and the success of efforts to invest in and develop new opportunities; potential business strategies, including acquisitions or dispositions of assets or businesses, which cannot be assured to be completed or beneficial to Alabama Power; the ability of counterparties to make payments as and when due and to perform as required; the ability to obtain new short- and long-term contracts with wholesale customers; the direct or indirect effect on the business resulting from cyber intrusion or physical attack and the threat of physical attacks; the ability of Alabama Power to obtain additional generating capacity (or sell excess generating capacity) at competitive prices; catastrophic events such as fires, earthquakes, explosions, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and other storms, droughts, pandemic health events, political unrest, or other similar occurrences; the direct or indirect effects on the Southern Company system’s business resulting from incidents affecting the U.S. electric grid, natural gas pipeline infrastructure, or operation of generating or storage resources; impairments of goodwill or long-lived assets; and the effect of accounting pronouncements issued periodically by standard-setting bodies. Alabama Power expressly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking information.

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